Hello, Sweet Baby Girl! {Forsyth County, GA Newborn Photographer}

I'd like to introduce my newest niece, Eliza! I was blessed to be able to spend the Fall break snuggling with sweet baby girl & meeting her for the very first time at 9 days old. She joins our family as my parents' first grand daughter. With my 3 boys & her older brother, my mom has dubbed her as the rose among thorns!

She has the most kissable chunky cheeks! Our older sister, Kaitlin, is very talented at crocheting and has made our boys so many adorable hats and accessories. Since my twin sister, Becca, and her husband graduated from Georgia Tech, she made this beautiful honeycomb blanket with bees. Now, I'm a UGA alum and die hard fan. But this? Just. Too. Cute. She also crocheted a little stuffed elephant. So detailed!

Anyway, as for her photo session, Eliza wasn't really in a sleepy mood during our boys' first napping window. My sister attempted to lull her to sleep with her first bath., but it didn't really work. We had to take what we could get while the boys were sleeping & out of the way! I got some wonderful shots of her eyes wide open and alert. I really wanted some sleepy poses, so thankfully she was willing to doze through a second session. Older brother, David, took some coaxing to be willing to hold baby sissy, but I've been told he is always asking to these days!

Fayette County GA Newborn Photographer