Professional Viola Headshot Portrait {Atlanta Headshot Photographer}

Lauren had not updated her professional viola headshot since she launched her career as a professional musician. She was ready for a new headshot that was more personalized and that would be fitting to feature on her performance and speaking engagement announcements for universities here in the US and abroad. She also was preparing to launch her debut album and needed a feature image!

Her album title would be Forgotten Melodies, so this beautiful field on the south side of Metro Atlanta came to mind for me. We dealt with a little drizzle to begin with and it was so lovely to be able to listen to her play while I captured her portrait from different angles. We had so much fun! If you’re in the search for a professional headshot or even a personal branding session, get in touch and we can begin brainstorming locations in Atlanta for your headshot or branding session!

If you’re interested in hearing Lauren play (and seeing which image she selected as her album cover!), you can listen here on Spotify!
