Together Again {Johns Creek Family Photographer}

Once children have grown, followed job opportunities cross-country, and begin families of their own, it's a rare occurrence to have them all in the same place at once.  Marta & Jorge wanted to take advantage of that golden opportunity when their daughter's family and their son were in town visiting last weekend.

Since the session was in Peachtree City, we drove our golf carts to meet at a special location that Marta has always enjoyed taking her granddaughters to. A wide bridge that crosses over some preserved wetlands is a spot they visit often to feed turtles carrots and enjoy the natural beauty surrounding them. I always love when clients select a location that has sentimental value to them! I grabbed some large family portraits of everyone as well as smaller groupings of their family; the evening sunlight bursting through the trees was perfect. The girls ran around and played for a bit and then we all hopped back onto our golf carts and caravaned through the paths that wind through the woods to their home and finished up pictures in their back yard.

I'm so happy the weather held out for us (there were threats of heavy thunderstorms all weekend!) and didn't spoil the sliver of time that this family's paths crossed!

Peachtree City Family Photographer